4 Problems To Look For When Your Dog Starts Butt Scooting

There's nothing more alarming than seeing your dog scoot around on its butt. All dogs do it at some point in their life. Sometimes dogs scoot across the floor on their butts as a way to take care of random itches. Other times, their scoots are a sign that something is seriously wrong. If your dog does the occasional butt scoot, don't worry. But, if your dog starts scooting on a regular basis, it may be time to visit a vet hospital. Here are four reasons why your dog may be doing the butt scoot. 

Anal Gland Issues

If your dog is scooting around on its butt, there may be a problem with their anal glands. Dogs have two anal glands that are located on each side of the anus. The anal glands fill with fluid. Most of the time, the fluid is expressed when your pet has a bowel movement. Sometimes the anal glands won't empty on their own. When that happens, dogs can experience discomfort. If your dog is butt scooting, check their anus. If they have bloody discharge or the anal opening is swollen, visit a vet hospital as soon as possible. 

Allergic Reactions

If your dog doesn't appear to be having problems with their anal glands, the butt scooting may be caused by allergies. Allergies can cause itching around the anal cavity. Dogs aren't able to scratch their anal area, so they scoot for relief. If you've recently changed your dog's diet, switch back to their original food. It's also important to check the rectal area for hives. Your dog may have gotten into something outside that caused an allergic reaction. If the problem continues, schedule an appointment to see a veterinarian. 

Intestinal Worms

If your dog has been battling a flea invasion, the butt scooting may be caused by intestinal worms. When your dog grooms itself, it can swallow fleas. Unfortunately, fleas carry tapeworm larvae. Once the larvae are swallowed, they hatch inside your dogs intestines. As they grow and feed, they can cause itching around the anal opening. Intestinal worms can cause serious problems for your dog. Check your dog's anus. If you see white objects that look like small seeds, have your dog seen at a vet hospital. Your dog may need to be dewormed. 

Genital Discomfort

If your dog appears to be scooting for no reason, inspect their genitals. Some butt scooting is caused by genital irritation. Things like vaginal infections can cause itching. Fur can also get knotted around the vulva or penis. Both conditions can cause extreme discomfort. Butt scooting can relief the discomfort. If your dog appears to have problems with their genitals, seek medical care for them right away.

To learn more, contact a veterinarian hospital.
